The Dog’s Bolex, 2018


The exhibition DIFFIKUΛT premiered The Dogs’ Bolex, an ambitious new series of short videos commissioned by the artist in collaboration with 16 artist filmmakers, listed here in their running order:

Benedict DrewKatherine AranielloLarry Achiampong, Victoria Harwood and Lucy Newman, Ben RiversGina Birch, Miyako Narita, Tracy Drew, Reynir Hutber, John SmithDenna Cartamkhoob, Paul Kelly, Ruth Maclennan, Tom Chick, Tony Grisoni.

The Dog’s Bolex was developed by the artist following the 10th anniversary of her critically acclaimed 12 Shooters project from 2007, and is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and Live Art Development Agency’s inaugural Art Hole Artists Award.




Installation shot of The Dog’s Bolex at Dilston Grove

Photograph by Damien Griffiths

